About Me

I currently study at University of Toronto, pursuing a degree in Computer Science, with a specialization in Artificial Intelligence. I will be entering my final year of study in 2021. I entered the field of computer science to experience and take part in the fast-expanding scope of modern technology. I am passionate about discovering innovative ways to apply technology to solve real-life problems.


Languages: Python • JavaScript • Java • C • SQL
Web Technologies: Node • Express • Bootstrap • Git • Tensorflow • SemanticUI • HTML/CSS

Toxic Post Classifier

Tensorflow, Keras

Machine learning model that classifies online comments based on type of toxicity (threat, insult, racial, etc).

Youtube Syncer

Socket.io, Node, Express

A web application for syncing youtube videos between clients using a websocket connection, with chatroom functionality.

Bitcoin Viewer

MySQL, D3.js, Node, Websockets

A real-time visualization tool for the Bitcoin Blockchain, using a websocket connection to the Blockchain.com API.

Personal Website

Javascript, HTML/CSS, Bootstrap

Personal website for showcasing past and ongoing projects, as well as my most up-to-date resume. Created with Bootstrap and CSS transitions and keyframes.